

The Authority continued to focus during 2023 on its key objective of safety of navigation for vessels visiting Haven Ports, environmental stewardship, health and safety and customer service. Ensuring we deliver a safe and efficient service remains a priority for employees across our whole organisation.


Key financial indicators

Our two sources of revenue, pilotage and conservancy produced a consolidated revenue of £41.9 million in 2023 (2022: £29.9 million).


Key performance indicators

Navigational Safety
Vessel movements13,52811,51011,901
Level 1 (major) navigational incidents000
Level 2 (minor) navigational incidents121
Level 3 (hazardous) navigational incidents151615
Pilotage Service
Pilotage acts3,3843,4453,455
Tonnage piloted167,900,000149,294,000157,635,000
External acts3,1172,9692,727
Of which were lost time accidents
Of which were reportable


Performance against Safety Plan for Marine Operations

Vessel Traffic ServiceMaintain > 99% service availabilityYearly, board reportable KPI100% service
MSMS SystemUndertake a root and branch review of the Marine Safety Management System and publish a revised version2024Ongoing, progressing well
MSMS SystemReview and publish General Directions for Navigation & Pilotage Directions2022Completed 2022
Emergency ResponseUndertake live exercise deployment of oil spill Tier 1 equipment and tabletop exercise in accordance with OPRC regulations.Each calendar yearOngoing, progressing well
Emergency ResponseMulti-agency Live Exercise in accordance with the Civil Contingencies Act and Category 2 obligations.2021 Adler 6, 2022 Adler 7, 2023 Adler 8Ongoing, progressing well
PMSC Audit1/ Successful completion of internal PMSC audit – no NC
2/ Successful completion of external audit – no NC
Audit to be scheduled each calendar yearOngoing, progressing well
Aids to NavigationMaintain >99% availability (reporting period Jan- Dec)Board reportable KPI99.66% AtoN availability
Aids to NavigationRespond to defective AtN and rectify within 48 hrs.Board reportable KPI4 out of 5 failures successfully rectified within 24 hours.
IncidentsKPI – <0.3 per 100 movements (reporting period Jan- Dec)Board reportable KPIIncident rate 0.116 per 100 movements
Delayed provision of
KPI <0.5 per 100 piloted movements (reporting period Jan- Dec)Board reportable KPIDelayed provision of pilot rate 0.308 per 100 piloted movements
Leisure VesselsUndertake a safety review of leisure moorings within HHA area of jurisdiction2023Ongoing, progressing well
Vessel Traffic ServiceReplace VTS and Marine Information System2023Ongoing, progressing well