Computer donation to support clients of Open Road

Picture caption: (left to right), Linzi Jobber, Sustainability Manager, Harwich Haven Authority, Sarah Wright, CEO, Open Road, Jeff Keating, IT Manager, Open Road, Sean Brattan, IT Support Engineer, Harwich Haven Authority.

Employees from Harwich Haven Authority were delighted to visit the Open Road SOS bus in Dovercourt to hand over 14 laptops and desk top computers that are no longer required.

The SOS buses are a familiar site in cities and large towns across Essex as they support emergency services with the nighttime economy. In addition, the SOS buses lend support to local clinical services as they are often used to deliver vaccination programmes.

Sarah Wright, CEO, Open Road commented: “The computers will benefit our clients greatly as they will be located both on the SOS buses and in our bases across Essex. They will be invaluable to allow clients to access online opportunities, courses and information. We very much hope that they will improve the quality of life of our clients lives and help them to integrate into local communities as part of their recovery journey.

“A very big thank you to Harwich Haven Authority for supporting Open Road and our clients.”

Harwich Haven Authority continues to support successful outdoor learning programme in Harwich

Harwich Haven Authority continues to champion the benefits of outdoor learning by funding the highly successful Outdoor Explorers, Harwich,  programme for a third year.

The Outdoor Explorers initiative was developed by Harwich Home Start in 2021 to enable continued learning for children and families during the Covid-19 lockdown period.  The programme proved such a success that it has continued thanks to the generosity of Harwich Haven Authority and the custodian of the Bobbit’s Hole Nature Reserve, the Harwich Society.

“We know the value Outdoor Explorers continues to offer families in the local community,” says Melissa Wellings, ESG Director, Harwich Haven Authority.

“Over the two years Harwich Haven Authority has funded Outdoor Explorers, at a yearly cost of £7,000, an estimated 182 families, comprising of 198 adults and 235 children have attended the 50-week programme each year. That I believe demonstrates both the need for such an initiative in Harwich and is testament to the benefits that engaging with the environment offers.

“We have seen through our own Beach School initiative, which we delivered throughout 2023 to local primary schoolchildren in Harwich, that outdoor learning experiences have wider health benefits too, such as improving mental and physical health.”

The Outdoor Explorers programme places a high emphasis on the importance of parents playing with their children in a child-led way. This type of play develops warm relationships and strong attachment between family members and creates a positive bank of feelings and experiences. Playing with adults also encourages the development of vocabulary so that children can communicate their thoughts, feelings, and needs.

Wendy Taylor, Manager, Harwich Home Start added: “It is widely documented that children’s time spent in nature is rapidly diminishing.

“Research shows that they spend just four to seven minutes outside each day in unstructured play such as climbing trees, building dens, catching bugs, or playing games. Yet they spend up to seven hours each day in front of a screen. The question of how this affects development has become increasingly urgent.

“Many of the families accessing Outdoor Explorers have no outdoor space of their own to use or they are not confident to visit the beach or woods with their children. By providing a safe outdoor space with familiar support, struggling families are encouraged to enjoy being outdoors, have fun and have positive experiences with their children.

“I can’t thank Harwich Haven Authority enough for their continued interest and support of our Outdoor Explorers programme that is benefitting so many people in our community.”


For further information contact: Fiona Brunning, Corporate Affairs Manager. Email: [email protected] or call: 07425 632090

Notes to editors 

About Harwich Haven Authority
Harwich Haven Authority is one of the country’s major trust ports, with a jurisdiction that covers 150 square miles. With five port operators, including the Port of Felixstowe, in the Haven it’s one of the Europe’s busiest trade gateways with more than 40% of containerised goods arriving in the UK each year via this route.

The Authority ensures safety of navigation for all users of the Haven, from the world’s largest container vessels in operation to the 10,000 small leisure craft that visit the area each year. It is responsible for maintaining the depth of the navigational approach channel, which was deepened – from -14.5 metres Chart Datum to -16 metres Chart Datum – in 2023 at a cost of £130 million to facilitate the world’s growing breed of larger and deeper draught container vessels visiting the Port of Felixstowe. They also provide Pilotage, Vessel Traffic Services and maintain the navigation buoys in the Harbour and estuaries of the Rivers Stour and Orwell.

Statistics for 2023
Harwich Pilotage Acts = 3,384
Total tonnage of vessel arrivals = 167,900,00
Harwich Pilot external pilotage acts = 3,117

As a not-for-profit organisation, with no shareholders, Harwich Haven Authority generate income through the services they provide. Surplus profits are then invested back into the Haven for the benefit of stakeholders.  Through its Environment, Social and Governance Strategy the Authority measures their impact, against defined TOMs (themes of measurement), using the Social Value Portal. In 2023 they delivered more than £4.2 million of social value, which included £85.6K for creating green spaces, improving biodiversity, and helping ecosystems.

Partial closure of Ha’penny Pier, Harwich, as essential repairs are undertaken

Ha’penny Pier, Harwich, will be partially closed to members of the public from 6 January 2025 to allow essential maintenance works to take place.

The closure follows a recent condition survey conducted by Harwich Haven Authority that found deterioration of the pier substructure. The works will include installing additional piles and replacing damaged timber beams and deck planks. The replacement timber, Douglas Fir, Ekki and Greenheart have all been sourced from certified, sustainable sources.

The repairs, costing approximately £200,000, will be carried out by Amicus Civil Engineering Ltd and are planned to take eight weeks to complete. Members of the public will still, however, be able to access the Harbour Foot Ferry, Deck 1853 and the Visitor Centre.

“As owners of Ha’penny Pier it is our responsibility to ensure the structure of the pier is safe”, says Sarah West, CEO, Harwich Haven Authority.

“This is not the case for many similar wooden piers across the UK that have fallen into disrepair through lack of investment. Indeed, in the past 10 years we have spent more than £1.5 million to keep one of Harwich’s most iconic landmarks open for members of the public to enjoy.

“Restricting access to the far end of the pier will, I know, disappoint some people but we hope everyone will understand that repairs need to be completed at the earliest opportunity. “


For further information contact: Fiona Brunning, Corporate Affairs Manager. Email: [email protected] or call: 07425 632090
Picture credit: Harwich Haven Authority


Notes to editors

About Harwich Haven Authority
Harwich Haven Authority is one of the country’s largest trust ports, with a jurisdiction that covers 150 square miles. With five port operators, including the Port of Felixstowe, in the Haven it’s one of the Europe’s busiest trade gateways with more than 40% of containerised goods arriving in the UK via this route.

The Authority ensures safety of navigation for all users of the Haven, from the world’s largest container vessels in operation to the 10,000 small leisure craft that visit the area each year. It is responsible for maintaining the depth of the navigational approach channel, which was deepened – from -14.5 metres Chart Datum to -16 metres Chart Datum – in 2023 at a cost of £130 million to facilitate the world’s growing breed of larger and deeper draught container vessels visiting the Port of Felixstowe. They also provide Pilotage, Vessel Traffic Services and maintain the navigation buoys in the Harbour and estuaries of the Rivers Stour and Orwell.

Statistics for 2023
Harwich Pilotage Acts = 3,384
Total tonnage of vessel arrivals = 167,900,00
Harwich Pilot external pilotage acts = 3,117

As a not-for-profit organisation, with no shareholders, Harwich Haven Authority generate income through the services they provide. Surplus profits are then invested back into the Haven for the benefit of stakeholders.  Through its Environment, Social and Governance Strategy the Authority measures their impact, against defined TOMs (themes of measurement), using the Social Value Portal. In 2023 they delivered more than £4.2 million of social value, which included £85.6K for creating green spaces, improving biodiversity, and helping ecosystems.


Harwich Haven Authority and its partner, industry leading Entopy, receive funding to explore digital twin development

Caption: William Barker, Marine Director & Harbour Master, Harwich Haven Authority (left) and Toby Mills, CEO, Entopy

Major trust port Harwich Haven Authority announces that they and their partner, Entopy, have been awarded funding towards a £350K project from the Department for Transport (DfT), Smart Shipping Acceleration Fund (SSAF) as announced on 17 October 2024.

The partnership has been forged between Entopy and Harwich Haven Authority to develop a fully operational Artificial Intelligence-enabled Digital Twin to deliver predictive and simulative intelligence to support operational and strategic decision-making relating to the operation of vessel arrivals/berthing at the Port of Felixstowe.

Sarah West, CEO, Harwich Haven Authority commented: “We’re delighted to have been awarded this funding from DfT as we have been working with Entopy for some time to look at every aspect of our berthing operation.

“Working with our Haven partners, Port of Felixstowe and towage operator Svitzer, we are keen to explore how technology could shape future operations not just in the Haven but at container ports across the world.

” Like all UK ports we are actively exploring ways to decarbonise our operation and provide better services for our customers. The implementation of Digital Twin technology will also significantly impact GHG emissions through a reduction in fuel use.

Toby Mills, CEO, Entopy added: “The planned feasibility study will run until March 2025 and builds on a baseline Digital Twin developed through our existing partnership with Harwich Haven Authority.

“The envisaged capability will combine multiple AI micromodels deployed to predict resource constraints across the entire berthing operation, which will combine with real-time data feeds to create a Digital Twin capable of identifying future constraints and informing mitigation strategies.

“This feasibility study will also assess the viability of using this intelligence to inform vessels ahead of their arrival to support ‘just-in-time arrivals’ – a vision that could offer significant impact in our collective drive towards GHG emission reduction.

“We are delighted to be working with such an innovative and forward-thinking partner in Harwich haven Authority and are confident in our collective expertise to drive real impact through the application of advanced technology.”

Steve Beel, CEO, Freeport East: “We are delighted to see the success of this emerging partnership, which will deploy cutting-edge digital technology applications into the UK maritime sector, as part of the growing Harwich Innovation Cluster. As well as supporting Harwich Haven Authority to strengthen vessel operations, this also supports our broader aspiration of putting Felixstowe and Harwich at the heart of the UK’s green corridor opportunities.

“With Freeport East having first engaged with Entopy in late 2022 to support their growth journey, we are particularly excited to see them now deploying their digital twin expertise in the heart of our local geography and look forward to continuing to support the partnership in the months ahead.”


For further information contact: Fiona Brunning, Corporate Affairs Manager. Email: [email protected] or call: 07425 632090


Notes for Editors

About Harwich Haven Authority
Harwich Haven Authority is one of the country’s largest trust ports, with a jurisdiction that covers 150 square miles. With five port operators, including the Port of Felixstowe, in the Haven it’s one of the Europe’s busiest trade gateways with more than 40% of containerised goods arriving in the UK via this route.

The Authority ensures safety of navigation for all users of the Haven, from the world’s largest container vessels in operation to the 10,000 small leisure craft that visit the area each year. It is responsible for maintaining the depth of the navigational approach channel, which was deepened – from -14.5 metres Chart Datum to -16 metres Chart Datum – in 2023 at a cost of £130 million to facilitate the world’s growing breed of larger and deeper draught container vessels visiting the Port of Felixstowe. They also provide Pilotage, Vessel Traffic Services and maintain the navigation buoys in the Harbour and estuaries of the Rivers Stour and Orwell.

Statistics for 2023
Harwich Pilotage Acts = 3,384
Total tonnage of vessel arrivals = 167,900,00
Harwich Pilot external pilotage acts = 3,117

As a not-for-profit organisation, with no shareholders, Harwich Haven Authority generate income through the services they provide. Surplus profits are then invested back into the Haven for the benefit of stakeholders.  Through its Environment, Social and Governance Strategy the Authority measures their impact, against defined TOMs (themes of measurement), using the Social Value Portal. In 2023 they delivered more than £4.2 million of social value, which included £85.6K for creating green spaces, improving biodiversity, and helping ecosystems.

The UK Government has allocated £206m Research and Development (R&D) funding to UK SHORE, a programme within the Department for Transport focused on decarbonising the maritime sector. UK SHORE is delivering a suite of interventions between 2022 and 2025 aimed at accelerating the design, manufacture and operation of UK-made clean maritime technologies and unlocking an industry-led transition to Net Zero. Flagship competitions include the Zero Emission Vessels and Infrastructure (ZEVI) scheme and the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition (CMDC).

The UK SHORE programme includes the Smart Shipping Acceleration Fund which provides match-funding to help bring pre-commercial smart shipping technologies closer to market readiness. SSAF allocated £8m to 31 projects across the UK to deliver innovative feasibility studies between November 2024 – March 2025. The projects are supported by over 103 partners and will leverage more than £3m of private investment.

Harwich Haven Authority increases its apprenticeship and graduate programme

Picture caption: (left to right) Finley Webb, Zak Baker, Oscar Anderson, Chris Mud, Hollie McGarry

Demonstrating their commitment to investing in future talent, Harwich Haven Authority has recently welcomed three new apprentices and a graduate to their operations, which brings their total cohort of trainees to ten.

The latest trainees have been recruited from the local area and have taken up apprenticeships in marine operations, IT and a graduate training position in the Survey team.

“We have been astounded by both the number of applications we received and the quality of the applicants”, said Helen Rudd, Strategy & Partnerships Director, Harwich Haven Authority.

“We are very focused on bringing new talent into the industry and promoting careers within the maritime sector. As a trust port we are committed to playing a positive role in our local communities, so we are always keen to offer employment opportunities to people living within our area of jurisdiction.

“They are a talented group of men and women whose ages range from 20 years old to 40 years old. Some of our trainees have also joined us from established careers in other sectors.

“Our selection process focuses very much on the individual attributes of those applying and their attitude because we offer comprehensive training working with experienced training providers. We are excited to see them develop and go on to have fulfilling careers in this economy-critical sector.”

The success of Harwich Haven Authority’s  ‘learn and earn’ trainee programme has also been recognised by the nationwide initiative the 5% Club. This gives recognition to employers who aspire to achieve 5% of their workforce in earn and learn positions including apprentices, sponsored students and graduates on formal training schemes.

Trainees currently working through the marine apprentices’ programme include Oscar Anderson, Zak Baker, Jordan Gleave, Hollie McGarry, Finley Webb, Lucy McGain and Chris Mudd. Eve Painter is completing an apprenticeship in IT and Leane DuToit joins as a Graduate Surveyor (Hydrography).

“I was so happy to get the news that I’d been accepted on the training programme,” says Apprentice Hollie McGarry.

“The content of the apprenticeship, which includes block release learning with training provider SeaRegs, really suits me because I like being hands on.

“Everyone, including my manager, has been extremely friendly and I quickly felt like part of the team. It’s not the  usual choice of career for many young women, but my friends and family are very proud of my achievement. If I was to give advice to other young women considering a career in the industry, I’d say if you are looking for a job that gives you lots of variety and you enjoy being hands on, I’d say ‘go for it’.”

Harwich Haven Authority currently employs 128 people and has jurisdiction over the 150 square nautical miles of the Haven. For current vacancies visit


For further information contact: Fiona Brunning, Corporate Affairs Manager, Harwich Haven Authority. Email: [email protected] or telephone 07425 632090


Harwich Haven Authority gets behind the Electric Palace’s new projector appeal with a donation of £10K 

Picture caption: (left to right) Emalie Calderbank, Harwich Haven Authority; Richard Bench, Trustee, Electric Palace; Helen Rudd, Strategy and Partnerships Director, Harwich Haven Authority; Deb Perkins, Trustee, Electric Palace; Mel Shepherd, Harwich Haven Authority; Haley Forrest, Learning and Development Officer, Electric Palace; Phil Hartwell, Trustee, Electric Palace. 

Harwich Haven Authority has donated £10,000 to Harwich’s much-loved cinema, the Electric Palace, following the launch of their appeal to replace its projector. 

Built in 1911, The Electric Palace has been a cherished part of the Harwich community for 115 years and remains one of the only surviving purpose-built cinemas in East Anglia.  

As a trust port, Harwich Haven Authority operates commercially but is not-for-profit. Any surplus profits are reinvested into the Haven for the benefit of stakeholders, charities, NGOs and community interest companies.  

Sarah West, CEO, Harwich Haven Authority said: “Along with Ha’penny Pier, the Electric Palace is probably the most iconic landmark in Harwich. Steeped in history the cinema provides members of the community with access to a film experience without having to travel miles. 

“We were keen that our donation benefitted both parties and we’re excited to offer our employees, and their families, the chance to use the facilities at the Electric Palace.” 

The donation from Harwich Haven Authority has been designed to benefit both employees and family members working at Authority, who will receive discounted cinema tickets as part of the deal. It is hoped that the agreed package of funding will also increase visitor numbers for the Electric Palace. 

“Packaging our donation into a three-year corporate membership will, we hope, see more cinema goers through the doors and increase their revenue. 

“I’m hopeful that other businesses in the Harwich area will follow our lead and support both the appeal to replace the cinema’s projector and offer their employees affordable access to the Electric Palace.” 

Michael Offord, Operations Manager, Electric Palace added: “We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of Harwich Haven Authority and we are now more hopeful of reaching our target goal of £70,000 

 “The cinema has experienced many ups and downs over the years, including in 2006 being placed on the English Heritage’s ‘At Risk’ Register. However, we are lucky to have a great team of volunteers who continue to give their time to keep the cinema going. However, the requirement to replace the projector is becoming more urgent and we are very concerned. 

 “Plans are in place to extend the film programme and open on additional days during the week, so we have everything crossed that we can raise the necessary money.” 

 As part of Harwich Haven Authority’s commitment to creating social value from their operations, employees have also agreed to volunteer their time to the Electric Palace to help with a sales strategy and marketing.  


If you would like to support the Electric Palace appeal, contact:  [email protected] or visit .




Deepest draught vessel ever to visit a UK port arrives under the pilotage of Harwich Haven Authority

The containership Elenoire, operated by the Mediterranean Shipping Company, has become the deepest draught ship to call at a UK port with a draught of 17.1 metres. Arriving from Tanjung Pelapas, Malaysia it reached the Port of Felixstowe under the pilotage of Harwich Haven Authority (HHA) on Sunday 1 December.

HHA’s £130 million investment to deepen the approach channel from 14.5 metres to 16.0 metres in 2023, and four deep water berths at the Port of Felixstowe, provides megamax and deep draught vessels which unrivalled access.

William Barker, Marine Director and Harbour Master, Harwich Haven Authority commented: “No other port in the UK has the depth of water to accommodate vessels with a draught of 17 metres.

“We have seen an increase in megamax and deeper draught vessel arriving into the Haven . However, we are well prepared as our pilotage, pilot launch and support teams are both highly skilled and highly trained individuals who work hard to ensure these huge ships arrive safely at their destination.

“I couldn’t be more proud of what we have achieved and I very lucky to lead such a great team of people.”


For further information contact: Fiona Brunning, Corporate Affairs Manager. Email: [email protected] or call: 07425 632090


Notes to editors

About Harwich Haven Authority
Harwich Haven Authority is one of the country’s largest trust ports, with a jurisdiction that covers 150 square miles. With five port operators, including the Port of Felixstowe, in the Haven it’s one of the Europe’s busiest trade gateways with more than 40% of containerised goods arriving in the UK via this route.

The Authority ensures safety of navigation for all users of the Haven, from the world’s largest container vessels in operation to the 10,000 small leisure craft that visit the area each year. It is responsible for maintaining the depth of the navigational approach channel, which was deepened – from -14.5 metres Chart Datum to -16 metres Chart Datum – in 2023 at a cost of £130 million to facilitate the world’s growing breed of larger and deeper draught container vessels visiting the Port of Felixstowe. They also provide Pilotage, Vessel Traffic Services and maintain the navigation buoys in the Harbour and estuaries of the Rivers Stour and Orwell.

Statistics for 2023
Harwich Pilotage Acts = 3,384
Total tonnage of vessel arrivals = 167,900,00
Harwich Pilot external pilotage acts = 3,117

As a not-for-profit organisation, with no shareholders, Harwich Haven Authority generate income through the services they provide. Surplus profits are then invested back into the Haven for the benefit of stakeholders.  Through its Environment, Social and Governance Strategy the Authority measures their impact, against defined TOMs (themes of measurement), using the Social Value Portal. In 2023 they delivered more than £4.2 million of social value, which included £85.6K for creating green spaces, improving biodiversity, and helping ecosystems.

Major funding for UK trust port Harwich Haven Authority and its partner PurpleSector from Department for Transport

PurpleSector and major trust port Harwich Haven Authority (HHA) are excited to announce that they have been awarded a £177,000 grant from the Department for Transport (DfT), Smart Shipping Acceleration Fund (SSAF) as announced on 17 October 2024.

The partnership has been developed to explore innovative solutions for port operations and the project, SEAS (Smart Efficient Automated Scheduling), will utilise motorsport-derived concepts to optimise scheduling, reduce carbon emissions, and lower costs.

Sarah West, CEO, Harwich Haven Authority commented: “This is great news and we’re confident that the outcomes from the feasibility study will be of great benefit to our customers utilising the facilities at Haven ports.

“We’re very excited to be working with leading motorsport technology innovators PurpleSector on the SEAS smart optimisation project as we look to both reduce carbon emissions and implement smart technology to both streamline and improve the capabilities of our operations.”

PurpleSector CEO Mark Mathieson MBE added: “Our innovative techniques have the potential to revolutionise carbon reduction in port operations as well as delivering operational benefits. We’re fortunate to collaborate with such a forward-thinking and environmentally conscious partner as Harwich Haven Authority.”

The feasibility study, which will run from November 2024 to March 2025, will focus on HHA’s Pilot Launch vessel operations, evaluating the feasibility of applying SEAS technology to enhance efficiency and sustainability. If successful, the project will move forward to a full proof of concept development.


Contact: Fiona Brunning, Corporate Affairs Manager, Harwich Haven Authority – [email protected] or call 07425 632090

Notes for Editors
The UK Government has allocated £206m Research and Development (R&D) funding to UK SHORE, a programme within the Department for Transport focused on decarbonising the maritime sector. UK SHORE is delivering a suite of interventions between 2022 and 2025 aimed at accelerating the design, manufacture and operation of UK-made clean maritime technologies and unlocking an industry-led transition to Net Zero. Flagship competitions include the Zero Emission Vessels and Infrastructure (ZEVI) scheme and the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition (CMDC).

The UK SHORE programme includes the Smart Shipping Acceleration Fund which provides match-funding to help bring pre-commercial smart shipping technologies closer to market readiness. SSAF allocated £8m to 31 projects across the UK to deliver innovative feasibility studies between November 2024 – March 2025. The projects are supported by over 103 partners and will leverage more than £3m of private investment.

The partnership
PurpleSector and Harwich Haven Authority are perfectly positioned to deliver this feasibility project. PurpleSector, founded to transfer Formula 1 expertise to commercial applications, will utilise experience of motorsport systems to contextualise the schedule optimisation information, presenting to the operator meaningful insights, integrated with existing software displays. Harwich Haven Authority as the problem owner, will bring the voice of the customer to the project, providing direction on the practicality and deliverability of the technical approach, plus the economics required for the business model.