Community Health & Wellbeing Fayre
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19th January 2023 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Harwich Library
Upper Kingsway
Harwich CO12 3JT
Upper Kingsway
Harwich CO12 3JT

Join the Harwich Library for a Community Health & Wellbeing Fayre. An opportunity to talk to health professionals in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and to make changes to your lifestyle.
An opportunity to come along to speak to Organisations and receive support and advice on:
- Early detection and prevention of Diabetes, Heart & Kidney Disease, Stroke and Dementia advice.
- Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Weight & Height checks and Lifestyle advice.
- Help with online forms – Blue Badge applications etc.
- Support for Carers experiencing Social Isolation. Information on Befriending groups, clubs and much more.
- Experience a 10-Minute Meditation Taster session – Learn to relax and reduce stress and aches and pains.
- Early detection of Breast Cancer through advice, awareness and education. A chance to recycle your old bras for the Lady McAdden Breast Cancer Trust.
- Essex Community Policing Team – Prevention of Frauds and Scams and an opportunity to voice your concerns on Community issues.
- Essex Fire & Rescue Service – Home Safety and Fire Alarm advice.
- Need assistance with your own Digital device – phone, tablet, laptop? Help and support will be on hand.
- Does your child or young person have any of the following issues that worry you? –Sleep Disturbance, Distressed behaviour, Meltdowns, Fussy Eater, Communication, Sensory issues, Social anxiety, Speech delay, Struggles in school?
- Come along and experience a friendly, Baby Beginnings session for advice and support and to meet other new families.
Visit the library or email [email protected] for full details of organisations attending the event.
Light refreshments will be available.