Beneficial disposal site moves to Wrabness
18 November 2021
From around the 18 November 2021, for a period of about 3 days, the trailing suction hopper dredger Sospan Dau (IMO number: 7711062) will continue dredging in the main channel, but will move the disposal site from Mersea Harbour to the beneficial disposal scheme at Wrabness.
The dredging contractor is the Boskalis Westminster / Van Oord Joint Venture appointed by the Harwich Haven Authority to carry out the Harwich Haven Channel Deepening Project.
The dredge area is a section of the main channel known as area C2 covering the whole width of the main channel and running from about 250m east of the Platters / Pitching Ground buoys to about 1,000m west of the same buoys.
Dredged material will be disposed of at two separate locations at Wrabness to reinforce the eroding foreshore. The dredger will dispose only at high water and be positioned as close to the disposal area as possible (see attached sketch WR 001). Disposal will be carried out on each high water (weather permitting), day and night, by direct pumping of material over the bow of the dredger.
Mariners are requested to keep clear of the equipment and the site of the placement works.
The dredging is covered by the MMO licence held by Harwich Haven Authority: L/2020/00360/2.
The disposal of material at Wrabness is covered by MMO licence held by Balhaven Ltd: L/2020/00413/4.
Maintenance Dredging & Beneficial Placements
From around the 22 November 2021, for a period of about 3 days, the trailing suction hopper dredger Sospan Dau (IMO number: 7711062) will change dredging location and beneficial placement locations. The beneficial placement locations are identified in the chart on the PDF version;
From around the 26 November 2021, for a period of about 20 days, the trailing suction hopper dredger Medway (IMO number: 9524152) will commence maintenance dredging within the haven. It is expected that the Medway will use the Inner Gabbard disposal area.
From around the 22 November 2021 for a period of 25 days, the work boat Forth Drummer (IMO number: 9676917) will undertake plough dredging within the Harbour.
From around the 17 November 2021 for a period of 28 days, the survey vessel Porthos (11m LOA) will be surveying within the haven.
Mariners are requested to keep clear of the equipment and the site of the placement works.
Detailed vessel movements can be obtained from Harwich VTS on VHF channel 71.