Partial closure of Ha’penny Pier, Harwich, as essential repairs are undertaken

19 December 2024

Ha’penny Pier, Harwich, will be partially closed to members of the public from 6 January 2025 to allow essential maintenance works to take place.

The closure follows a recent condition survey conducted by Harwich Haven Authority that found deterioration of the pier substructure. The works will include installing additional piles and replacing damaged timber beams and deck planks. The replacement timber, Douglas Fir, Ekki and Greenheart have all been sourced from certified, sustainable sources.

The repairs, costing approximately £200,000, will be carried out by Amicus Civil Engineering Ltd and are planned to take eight weeks to complete. Members of the public will still, however, be able to access the Harbour Foot Ferry, Deck 1853 and the Visitor Centre.

“As owners of Ha’penny Pier it is our responsibility to ensure the structure of the pier is safe”, says Sarah West, CEO, Harwich Haven Authority.

“This is not the case for many similar wooden piers across the UK that have fallen into disrepair through lack of investment. Indeed, in the past 10 years we have spent more than £1.5 million to keep one of Harwich’s most iconic landmarks open for members of the public to enjoy.

“Restricting access to the far end of the pier will, I know, disappoint some people but we hope everyone will understand that repairs need to be completed at the earliest opportunity. “


For further information contact: Fiona Brunning, Corporate Affairs Manager. Email: [email protected] or call: 07425 632090
Picture credit: Harwich Haven Authority


Notes to editors

About Harwich Haven Authority
Harwich Haven Authority is one of the country’s largest trust ports, with a jurisdiction that covers 150 square miles. With five port operators, including the Port of Felixstowe, in the Haven it’s one of the Europe’s busiest trade gateways with more than 40% of containerised goods arriving in the UK via this route.

The Authority ensures safety of navigation for all users of the Haven, from the world’s largest container vessels in operation to the 10,000 small leisure craft that visit the area each year. It is responsible for maintaining the depth of the navigational approach channel, which was deepened – from -14.5 metres Chart Datum to -16 metres Chart Datum – in 2023 at a cost of £130 million to facilitate the world’s growing breed of larger and deeper draught container vessels visiting the Port of Felixstowe. They also provide Pilotage, Vessel Traffic Services and maintain the navigation buoys in the Harbour and estuaries of the Rivers Stour and Orwell.

Statistics for 2023
Harwich Pilotage Acts = 3,384
Total tonnage of vessel arrivals = 167,900,00
Harwich Pilot external pilotage acts = 3,117

As a not-for-profit organisation, with no shareholders, Harwich Haven Authority generate income through the services they provide. Surplus profits are then invested back into the Haven for the benefit of stakeholders.  Through its Environment, Social and Governance Strategy the Authority measures their impact, against defined TOMs (themes of measurement), using the Social Value Portal. In 2023 they delivered more than £4.2 million of social value, which included £85.6K for creating green spaces, improving biodiversity, and helping ecosystems.