WWE Home Guard Re-enactment
Main Road
Harwich CO12 3LT

WW2 Home Guard reenactors Grant Harris and Simon Todd will be welcoming visitors with their display of World War II guns, bombs and uniforms and will perform drill routines.
Visitors will be able to try out the air raid siren and look over the Bofors gun whilst younger visitors might like to try on a helmet and march with a wooden replica rifle.
The museum rooms, many containing World War II artefacts, will be open as usual and a great day is guaranteed with the return of our very popular Home Guard re-enactment duo.
Gifts and Refreshments
The Redoubt kiosk serves light refreshments – hot and cold drinks, and ice creams, we also have a selection of souvenirs to purchase.
Stair lift.
A stair lift is available to/from the upper and lower levels of the fort. There is a weight restriction of 18st.