06-2013: Bunkering operations in the Haven area
09 August 2013
Harwich Haven Authority (HHA) has recently revised the procedures for initial and subsequent approval for ship to ship bunkering operations within the Haven area.
To obtain approval for a vessel, a Bunkering Approval Certificate Application form should be completed at least three working days prior to the proposed bunkering operation.
Once approval has been granted a Bunkering Approval Certificate will be issued. This certificate will have a validity of two years and may be renewed on submission of a Bunkering Certificate Renewal Application form. Both the initial and subsequent renewal applications will require payment of an administration fee before a certificate is issued.
Those vessels that are currently approved by HHA will be issued with a Bunkering Approval Certificate in due course.
Not less than three hours prior to any proposed bunkering operation, a Request to Bunker (OPS 010) form must be submitted, if approved, the form will be signed and returned.