Harwich Haven Authority continues to support successful outdoor learning programme in Harwich

03 February 2025

Harwich Haven Authority continues to champion the benefits of outdoor learning by funding the highly successful Outdoor Explorers, Harwich,  programme for a third year.

The Outdoor Explorers initiative was developed by Harwich Home Start in 2021 to enable continued learning for children and families during the Covid-19 lockdown period.  The programme proved such a success that it has continued thanks to the generosity of Harwich Haven Authority and the custodian of the Bobbit’s Hole Nature Reserve, the Harwich Society.

“We know the value Outdoor Explorers continues to offer families in the local community,” says Melissa Wellings, ESG Director, Harwich Haven Authority.

“Over the two years Harwich Haven Authority has funded Outdoor Explorers, at a yearly cost of £7,000, an estimated 182 families, comprising of 198 adults and 235 children have attended the 50-week programme each year. That I believe demonstrates both the need for such an initiative in Harwich and is testament to the benefits that engaging with the environment offers.

“We have seen through our own Beach School initiative, which we delivered throughout 2023 to local primary schoolchildren in Harwich, that outdoor learning experiences have wider health benefits too, such as improving mental and physical health.”

The Outdoor Explorers programme places a high emphasis on the importance of parents playing with their children in a child-led way. This type of play develops warm relationships and strong attachment between family members and creates a positive bank of feelings and experiences. Playing with adults also encourages the development of vocabulary so that children can communicate their thoughts, feelings, and needs.

Wendy Taylor, Manager, Harwich Home Start added: “It is widely documented that children’s time spent in nature is rapidly diminishing.

“Research shows that they spend just four to seven minutes outside each day in unstructured play such as climbing trees, building dens, catching bugs, or playing games. Yet they spend up to seven hours each day in front of a screen. The question of how this affects development has become increasingly urgent.

“Many of the families accessing Outdoor Explorers have no outdoor space of their own to use or they are not confident to visit the beach or woods with their children. By providing a safe outdoor space with familiar support, struggling families are encouraged to enjoy being outdoors, have fun and have positive experiences with their children.

“I can’t thank Harwich Haven Authority enough for their continued interest and support of our Outdoor Explorers programme that is benefitting so many people in our community.”


For further information contact: Fiona Brunning, Corporate Affairs Manager. Email: [email protected] or call: 07425 632090

Notes to editors 

About Harwich Haven Authority
Harwich Haven Authority is one of the country’s major trust ports, with a jurisdiction that covers 150 square miles. With five port operators, including the Port of Felixstowe, in the Haven it’s one of the Europe’s busiest trade gateways with more than 40% of containerised goods arriving in the UK each year via this route.

The Authority ensures safety of navigation for all users of the Haven, from the world’s largest container vessels in operation to the 10,000 small leisure craft that visit the area each year. It is responsible for maintaining the depth of the navigational approach channel, which was deepened – from -14.5 metres Chart Datum to -16 metres Chart Datum – in 2023 at a cost of £130 million to facilitate the world’s growing breed of larger and deeper draught container vessels visiting the Port of Felixstowe. They also provide Pilotage, Vessel Traffic Services and maintain the navigation buoys in the Harbour and estuaries of the Rivers Stour and Orwell.

Statistics for 2023
Harwich Pilotage Acts = 3,384
Total tonnage of vessel arrivals = 167,900,00
Harwich Pilot external pilotage acts = 3,117

As a not-for-profit organisation, with no shareholders, Harwich Haven Authority generate income through the services they provide. Surplus profits are then invested back into the Haven for the benefit of stakeholders.  Through its Environment, Social and Governance Strategy the Authority measures their impact, against defined TOMs (themes of measurement), using the Social Value Portal. In 2023 they delivered more than £4.2 million of social value, which included £85.6K for creating green spaces, improving biodiversity, and helping ecosystems.
