Tariffs 2020

The income we generate from conservancy and pilotage charges are used to operate and develop the Haven Ports infrastructure.

Schedule of Dues

Conservancy Dues are payable on entry to the Harbour by all vessels over 50 gross tons (GT) according to the following scale:

2019 Pence per GT
Vessels not exceeding 10,000
(subject to a minimum charge of £245)
Vessels 10,001 – 15,7503.88
Vessels 15,751 – 25,00013.67
Vessels 25,001 – 100,00013.80
Vessels 100,001 – 200,00014.83
Vessels 200,001 – 21500017.04
Vessels 215,001 – 220,00019.19
Vessels 220,001 – 225,00022.15
Vessels 225,001 – 230,00025.03
Vessels 230,001 – 235,00028.13
Vessels exceeding 235,00131.24
Vessels 15,751 draft less than 8.6m5.14
Ro-Ro Vessels
Not exceeding 10,000 (subject to a minimum charge of £245)1.14
Not exceeding 10,001 – 18,500 (subject to a minimum charge of £245)1.30
Vessels 18,501 – 25,0001.84
Vessels exceeding 25,0012.20
Passenger Vessels
All Vessels (subject to a minimum charge of £245)2.20
NOTE: ‘Ro-Ro vessel’ includes Passenger/Ro-Ro and Ro-Ro Cargo
Crew Transfer Vessels
Subject to a minimum charge of £136

The following conditions apply:

(i) Gross Register Tonnage (GRT)
Any vessel not able to provide a Gross Tonnage Certificate (GT) dated on or after 1st August 1994 will be charged dues based on GRT multiplied by a factor of three.

(ii) Moorings and Anchorage
Vessels entering the Harbour and requiring harbour moorings or anchorage (not alongside berths) will be charged a minimum of £57 per day or part thereof. Actual charges are to be agreed prior to arrival and will be subject to vessel size, duration of stay and activity.

(iii) Conservancy/Dredging additional charge
On 1 July 2019 the Authority implemented a dredging additional charge – Channel Deepening Surcharge – to part finance the cost of deepening the approach channel and harbour. This surcharge equates to 30% of the regular tariff and will be detailed as a separate item on your invoice and applies to all vessels of 15,751 Gross Tonnes and above (other than passenger and Ro-Ro vessels)

(iv) Other charges
The Authority may demand, take and recover other charges as provided in the Harwich Harbour Act 1974.

(v) Bank charges
All charges related to bank to bank payment methods including but not limited to BACS, Chaps, Swift and bank transfers are the responsibility of the “payer”. The Authority will not accept payments net of bank charges.

Ship to Ship Bunkering

Issue of initial Bunkering Approval Certificates will incur a charge of £288 thereafter £171 for subsequent renewal of approval.

Schedule of Pilotage Charges

Vessels exceeding
Ro-Ro Vessels£/Rate
Vessels exceeding
NOTE: ‘Ro-Ro vessel’ includes Passenger Ro-Ro and Ro-Ro Cargo

Other Services and Charges

Charge for Second Pilot
Following a marine risk assessment it may be determined by the Authority that a second Pilot is required to assist the primary Pilot. In this case an additional charge will be made equivalent to 75% of the full pilotage charge for the vessel.

Services of a Pilot Shifting a Vessel between berths in the Haven Ports Pilotage Area
The charge for attendance of an authorised pilot to shift a vessel along the quays or within the immediate working areas of any port in the Haven Ports Pilotage Area or within any of the defined anchorages shall be 75% of the appropriate full pilotage charge set out in the Schedule of Pilot Charges, but subject to a minimum of £619. All other piloted movements between ports within the Haven Ports Pilotage Area are subject to the full charge set out in Schedule of Pilot Charges.

Detention Charge
In the event that a pilot attends to take charge of a vessel at the request of the Owners, Agents or Master, and the pilot is detained on board awaiting the vessel’s departure, or is detained while the vessel is on inward or outward passage, shifting berth, or other operation such as adjustment of compasses, core sampling, pile driving, etc., no charge will be made for the first half hour. Thereafter a charge of £284 per additional hour or part thereof will be made.

Cancellation Charge
If the sailing of an outward bound vessel is cancelled, for whatever reason, and a pilot has been dispatched to, or has made an abortive attendance onboard in accordance with the Owner’s, Master’s or Agent’s instructions, a Cancellation Charge of £619 will be levied. The Cancellation Charge will also be made if a pilot has been ordered and properly dispatched to an inward bound vessel or vessel at anchor whose movements are subsequently cancelled for any reason.

For charging purposes a baulk tide will be treated as a cancellation.

Special Services
(i) A supplementary charge may be added to the normal pilotage tariff should a vessel of unusual characteristics require additional pilotage service; for example, pre-arrival/departure risk assessment planning or an extended transit time.
(ii) Transport of crew/personnel/accompanied equipment by pilot boat: – Minimum: £767

Pilotage Exemption Certificates
Charges for the use of Pilotage Exemption Certificates:
(i) Applicable to all vessels which but for being navigated by the holder of an Exemption Certificate would be subject to compulsory pilotage.

Per Vessel Movement: £100 (inclusive of PNPF)

(ii) Examination and Issue of Certificate

‘A’ Licence‘B’ Licence
(a)First examination and issue of Certificate:
Single area£369£369
Each additional area£233£143
(d)Certificate amendments / alterations per certificate per occasion:£109£109
(e)Replacement certificate:£171£171

Overcarriage of an Authorised Pilot

Pilots are under instruction not to agree to be overcarried voluntarily to another port. In the event that a Haven Pilot is overcarried to another port due to stress of weather or other unavoidable circumstances, the following charges will be made:
(i) In addition to the normal outward pilotage charge, a charge will be made for the Pilot’s time from the moment the vessel leaves the Haven Ports Pilotage limit until the Pilot is able to be repatriated back to the UK and is off duty. The charge will be made according to the area in which the port is situated as specified in paragraph iii.
(ii) The vessel will also be required to reimburse all reasonable travel and subsistence charges involved in returning the pilot to Harwich.
(iii) Charges are as follows:

Area 1:UK, including Dover, Ramsgate, Brixham and near-Continental ports of the Netherlands, Belgium and France (Boulogne and ports to the East). Per 24 hours or part thereof:£1,704
Area 2:North Sea ports including Germany, West coast of Denmark and France (ports to the West of Boulogne). Per 24 hours or part thereof:£2,471
Area 3:Ports within the Kattegat and Baltic Sea. Per 24 hours or part thereof:£4,143

(Masters, Agents and Owners are reminded that it is a serious offence under Section 19 of the Pilotage Act 1987, to take an authorised pilot out of the district without reasonable excuse, and without the pilot’s consent).

Fuel Surcharge
During periods of increasing oil prices Harwich Haven Authority reserves the right to introduce
a fuel surcharge of £20

Due to the significant increases in fuel price in the past weeks the Authority must now implement a fuel surcharge on pilotage service activity in accordance with Clause 2.3.9 of our Schedule of Conservancy Dues and Pilotage Charges.

With effect from 00.01 on 1 January 2019 a fuel surcharge of £20 per act will be implemented and included on the standard invoice until further notice.

The Authority will continue to monitor its fuel costs and will review this charge as circumstances determine.

Towage Operations (Tug ‘N’ Tow)
Any towage operation requiring the services of an authorised pilot as determined by the Authority will incur a charge no less than the minimum pilot charge. The Authority may levy an additional charge where extended activity of a pilot is incurred.

The Pilotage charge will be levied on either the towed vessel or the tug whichever is the larger.

Conservancy dues are levied on both tug and towed vessels over 50 gross tons subject to a minimum charge of £245.