18-2024: Ha’Penny Pier Pontoons

28 March 2024

The mooring facilities at Ha’penny pier in Harwich will be open from Monday 1 April to Friday 25 October 2024.

Ha’penny Pier is manned by Harwich Haven Authority personnel between the hours of 0800 and 1100 and 1300 and 1800 (including weekends and bank holidays) during the period between Monday 1 April to Friday 25 October 2024.

During the off season – between 25 October 2024 and 31 March 2025 – the pontoon area is unmanned by Harwich Haven Authority personnel. Vessels are still permitted to use the berths in accordance with the areas marked on the map (below) but mooring preferences will always be given to fishing vessels. Mooring is free on the Ha’penny Pier pontoons during the off season. However, vessels can only stay in the pontoon area for 24 hours in any 7-day period (requests for longer stays will be granted at the discretion of Harwich Haven Authority). During the off-season we do not provide access to shower and toilet facilities, which are located on Ha’penny Pier.

Visiting from outside the UK?

Overseas visitors wishing to use the facilities on Ha’penny Pier should follow the advice issued by the UK Government before travelling.

In addition to notifying Border Force of your intentions to enter the UK you must also make a custom declaration to the HMRC National Yachtline +44 (0) 300 123 2012 before disembarking your vessel.

Leisure vessels

Visiting leisure vessels up to 20 metres length overall (LOA) can use the facilities at Ha’penny pier pontoons for a maximum stay of 72 hours.  Berths CANNOT be booked in advance as we operate on a first come first served basis. Be advised that vessels may be double or triple berthed if the mooring facility is busy and prevailing conditions are suitable.

As shown on the diagram above, the outside berths are prioritised for larger vessels and the inside berths are predominately for smaller crafts.  Leisure vessels must not moor in the Harbour Ferry or unloading areas, which are clearly marked on the map.

Charges will apply (card payment only). See below.

Mooring is free between the hours of 0900 and 1600 for vessels up to and including 15 metres. Between the hours of 0900 and 1600, vessels over 15 metres will be permitted to moor free of charge for a period of 2 hours only, following which a fee of £10.00 will be charged.

Outside the hours of 0900 to 1600 fees will be charged for each 24-hour period:

Up to 5 metres LOA15.75
Over 5 metres and up to 10 metres LOA21.00
Over 10 metres and up to 15 metres LOA26.25
Over 15 metres and up to 20 metres LOA31.50

How to pay?

Leisure vessels can pay mooring fees directly to the Pier Master who is located in the office next to the café on Ha’penny Pier.  Fees will be collected after 1600 and before 0900 the following morning. Card payments only.

 Larger vessels

Vessels over 20 metres LOA requiring a berth must be registered with the Authority and have pre-booked a berth 24 hours before mooring. You will be provided instructions on how to do this as part of the registration process and invoiced for each visit.  To start the registration process, please email your vessel and contact details to [email protected].

Fees for large vessels are as follows:

Embarking/disembarking passengers31.50
Overnight mooring52.50

Operators who are registered charities are entitled to a 50% discount.

Fishing vessels

Fishing vessels are restricted to using the unloading area of the pontoon, which is clearly marked.


The area around the Ha’penny Pier pontoons is monitored by CCTV 24 hours a day.

Access out of hours

The gate at the top of the pontoon gangway is permanently closed.  The gate allows visitors to exit the pontoon area but does require a code to access on return. Visiting crafts that intend to stay overnight will be provided with the pontoon gate code on arrival. Visitors using the pontoon after 17:30 who do not intend to stay overnight can obtain the gate’s code by calling 07748 154039. Please note this phone is only manned until 21:00.

Access to facilities

The toilet and shower facilities located on Ha’penny Pier require a code to access, which will be provided to you by the Pier Master on arrival.

A water tap is located on the inside of the sea defence wall at the entrance of Ha’penny Pier, which is the property of Tendring District Council – 01255 686868.

Access during bad weather

The mooring facility is affected by both wind and tides and sometimes it might not be possible to use the facility. During challenging conditions, the bridges between pontoons will be raised to protect them from damage.  In such situations skippers should consider the pontoons closed.

Skippers should always ensure that their vessels are securely moored with fenders in place. Our Pier Master is always happy to advise about wind, tide and mooring conditions.


Harwich Haven Authority accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to any vessel, its contents or injury to any person using the facility.

Vessels entering the pontoons are advised to navigate with caution – due to floating moorings – and keep to the port side when entering the pontoons.

Alcohol has been identified as a contributory factor in some access accidents. Therefore, we advise users to take care when using the facility.

Persons in charge of recreational craft are advised that Harwich VTS Channel 71 is for use primarily by commercial vessels, although a listening watch can be maintained.

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