
Come and stroll around Bobbit’s Hole!
Bobbit’s Hole is an oasis of peace and tranquillity in the very heart of Dovercourt and is open free of charge to the public each Sunday morning throughout the year. On one designated Sunday the ‘Bobbit’s Stroll’ takes place and visitors are asked to donate to a designated charity for the pleasure of strolling around the lake.
This year’s chosen charity, to be announced.
Cakes, light refreshments, teas, and coffees will be on sale and there will be other attractions such as face painting and the children’s quiz trail.

The Harwich Society runs a monthly quiz night on the 1st Monday of each month. The quiz begins at 8PM and is £2 per head with up to 8 in a team.
These quiz nights are run to raise funds for the Harwich Society and are open to anyone. We are always delighted to see new teams or familiar faces who haven’t been able to be with us for a while.
The quizzes take place in the Acorn Suite at the rear of the Royal Oak public house.

The Family Fun Day will be a day of unbeatable entertainment beside the seaside! If you’re not on the Run, come and cheer on the bikers as they cross the finish line, and enjoy everything from live music, to a kid’s zone, and trade stands on Harwich Green.
For Further information see official website Motorcycle Run 2023 – Essex & Herts Air Ambulance – EHAAT

Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture, bringing together over 2,000 local people and organisations, and thousands of volunteers. Every year in September, places across the country throw open their doors to celebrate their heritage, community and history. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all FREE.
For more information search Harwich on
‘Harwich’ on the Heritage Open Days website.

Over the festival weekend the whole of the old seaport town of Harwich will ring with the sound of lusty shanties, music emanating from pubs, boats, clubs and many historic buildings. There are street theatre sketches, maritime crafts, barge trips, walks, talks as the town fills up with colour and atmosphere over this special weekend.

Harwich in the early 1800s was the centre of shipbuilding for the Royal Navy. Its highest achievement was the building of the Man of War, ‘Conqueror’ which fought with distinction at the Battle of Trafalgar. The Stane Street Players tell the story of the ship, it’s crew and the townspeople of Harwich in an amusing, big cast production laced with sea songs and shanties.
Harwich as part of the Shanty Festival on 13th October.

These are not Harwich Haven Authority events. Please contact the event organiser directly with any queries.