
The Family Fun Day will be a day of unbeatable entertainment beside the seaside! If you’re not on the Run, come and cheer on the bikers as they cross the finish line, and enjoy everything from live music, to a kid’s zone, and trade stands on Harwich Green.
For Further information see official website Motorcycle Run 2023 – Essex & Herts Air Ambulance – EHAAT

Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture, bringing together over 2,000 local people and organisations, and thousands of volunteers. Every year in September, places across the country throw open their doors to celebrate their heritage, community and history. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all FREE.
For more information search Harwich on
‘Harwich’ on the Heritage Open Days website.

Over the festival weekend the whole of the old seaport town of Harwich will ring with the sound of lusty shanties, music emanating from pubs, boats, clubs and many historic buildings. There are street theatre sketches, maritime crafts, barge trips, walks, talks as the town fills up with colour and atmosphere over this special weekend.

Harwich in the early 1800s was the centre of shipbuilding for the Royal Navy. Its highest achievement was the building of the Man of War, ‘Conqueror’ which fought with distinction at the Battle of Trafalgar. The Stane Street Players tell the story of the ship, it’s crew and the townspeople of Harwich in an amusing, big cast production laced with sea songs and shanties.
Harwich as part of the Shanty Festival on 13th October.

Fancy dress costumes will be worn, big heads donned and floats with music filling the evening air and people will be lining the streets.
The carnival will start having assembled on the Main Road at its junction with Ainger Road. The procession will proceed along the Main Road stopping outside Asda for 15 minutes before continuing all the way down to Harwich finishing in West Street.
There is plenty of vantage points to view the procession.
As part of the Harwich Guy Carnival, Essex Pedal Power will be joining the fun with a Glow Ride starting at 6pm outside the front gates of Thomson Cooper.

Family Halloween Disco in The Welfare Park!
🍺Bring your own Booze, Mixers, soft drinks..🥤
🍔Hamburgers, Hotdogs & Gorey slush available🌭
👻Something a little scary and spooky is happening…ARE YOU BRAVE ENOUGH TO ENTER THE WOODS👻…
Tickets starting at:
£5.00 adults
2.50 children
Free under 2’s.
Contact Bill on 07506 212377 or Marion 07598 978785.

At the fair, you’ll have the opportunity to peruse a variety of stalls showcasing the best in local business and craft. From handmade jewellery to one-of-a-kind homeware, you’re sure to find something that catches your eye. Whether you’re a seasoned shopper or just looking for a fun day out, this fair is perfect for everyone.

These are not Harwich Haven Authority events. Please contact the event organiser directly with any queries.