
A wonderful session of 2 therapies in one. Reiki to rebalance and reset the energy points and Sound therapy to resonate with your own bodies vibrations to realign them and start your healing journey. Embrace the Sound therapy bathing in Reiki energy and vibrations with crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, Shamanic drum, chime pipe, Gong and tuning forks. Creating vibrations that resonate with your own body to bring harmony and healing.
Pre-bookings only please contact: Emma Smy to book your place 07920 015542
Christmas skating event Saturday 16th December 2023 2pm – 7pm.
Enjoy an evening of free festive skating, a visit from Santa, festive songs and a nice warm drink.
Head over to their Facebook page for updates: Lighthouse Sports and Social Hub

Harwich Coffee Mornings – A chance to make new friends and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Everyone welcome.
Upper Kingsway, Dovercourt, Harwich CO12 3JT. Free event! No need to book. Every Thursday 10AM-11:30AM.

£5 per adult or £12 per family (max 2 adults)

Harwich Coffee Mornings – A chance to make new friends and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Everyone welcome.
Upper Kingsway, Dovercourt, Harwich CO12 3JT. Free event! No need to book. Every Thursday 10AM-11:30AM.

Harwich Coffee Mornings – A chance to make new friends and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Everyone welcome.
Upper Kingsway, Dovercourt, Harwich CO12 3JT. Free event! No need to book. Every Thursday 10AM-11:30AM.

Harwich Coffee Mornings – A chance to make new friends and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Everyone welcome.
Upper Kingsway, Dovercourt, Harwich CO12 3JT. Free event! No need to book. Every Thursday 10AM-11:30AM.

Join Harwich Arts and Heritage Centre Saturday 20th January 2024 for a jam packed day of FREE interactive fun at Harwich Arts and Heritage Centre.
Digital Harwich is a family friendly event celebrating digital creativity, with video games from local game developers, music from local electronic artists and animation and video game making workshop from Signals.
All for FREE!
The Harwich Kindertransport Memorial and Learning Trust (HKMLT) is pleased to present a very special exhibition at the Harwich Arts & Heritage Centre from Wednesday 24th – Wednesday 31st January 2024. The exhibition, “Safe Haven – Leslie Brent” highlights his amazing journey on the Kindertransport – one of the largest acts of rescue in the whole of the Nazi era – and the life he made for himself in Britain. He was one of the 10,000 mostly Jewish children who were sent to safety in Britain from 1938-1939, and like many of the children, he arrived in the Essex port of Harwich.
The exhibition coincides with and commemorates the 85th Anniversary of the Kindertransport as well as Holocaust Memorial Day 2024. HKMLT unveiled a memorial ‘Safe Haven’ on the Harwich quayside in September 2022. For further information please visit www.kindertransport-memorial.org
Arts and Heritage Centre, Main Road, Harwich CO12 4AJ.
Times: Wednesday 24th January: 11.00am -3.45pm.
Thursday 25th- Wednesday 31st January: 10.15am – 3.45pm.
Saturday 27th January: 10.15 am – 3.00pm.
Free entry.

Harwich Coffee Mornings – A chance to make new friends and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Everyone welcome.
Upper Kingsway, Dovercourt, Harwich CO12 3JT. Free event! No need to book. Every Thursday 10AM-11:30AM.
Harwich Holocaust Memorial Day, Friday 26th January at 11AM on Harwich Quay. All are welcome.

In addition, an illumination of Harwich’s High Lighthouse in purple will take place over the nights of Friday 26th, Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th January.
For further information please contact:
Lucy Ballard, clerk to Harwich Town Council, on 01255 507211
Sue Daish of the Harwich Kindertransport Memorial and Learning Trust at [email protected]
Or visit www.harwichtowncouncil.co.uk
Organised by Harwich Town Council alongside the Harwich Kindertransport Memorial and Learning Trust.

‘Bells Across Cardigan Bay’ – spoken by Jan Williams! Taking place at: The Navigator Hall, Barrack Lane, Harwich. CO12 3NP at 7:30PM – 9PM.
For more information please contact The Harwich Society.

Harwich Coffee Mornings – A chance to make new friends and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Everyone welcome.
Upper Kingsway, Dovercourt, Harwich CO12 3JT. Free event! No need to book. Every Thursday 10AM-11:30AM.

TwoManTing at Harwich Festival of the Arts,
Saturday 3rd February.
More information at www.harwichfestival.com/

Harwich Coffee Mornings – A chance to make new friends and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Everyone welcome.
Upper Kingsway, Dovercourt, Harwich CO12 3JT. Free event! No need to book. Every Thursday 10AM-11:30AM.

Dramatic Pause Productions presents in association with Ben Crocker Pantomimes, an adaptation of his family friendly pantomime version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s epic adventure novel; Treasure Island.
Friday 9th February, 7:30PM.
Saturday 10th February, 2:30PM.
Sunday 11th February, 2:30PM.
Tickets are £10 for adults, £5 for children/concessions.
To book your tickets please contact Dramatic Pause Productions at https://www.facebook.com/dramaticpauseproductions?locale=en_GB

Dramatic Pause Productions presents in association with Ben Crocker Pantomimes, an adaptation of his family friendly pantomime version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s epic adventure novel; Treasure Island.
Friday 9th February, 7:30PM.
Saturday 10th February, 2:30PM.
Sunday 11th February, 2:30PM.
Tickets are £10 for adults, £5 for children/concessions.
To book your tickets please contact Dramatic Pause Productions at https://www.facebook.com/dramaticpauseproductions?locale=en_GB

Dramatic Pause Productions presents in association with Ben Crocker Pantomimes, an adaptation of his family friendly pantomime version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s epic adventure novel; Treasure Island.
Friday 9th February, 7:30PM.
Saturday 10th February, 2:30PM.
Sunday 11th February, 2:30PM.
Tickets are £10 for adults, £5 for children/concessions.
To book your tickets please contact Dramatic Pause Productions at https://www.facebook.com/dramaticpauseproductions?locale=en_GB
These are not Harwich Haven Authority events. Please contact the event organiser directly with any queries.