
The Harwich Society runs a monthly quiz night on the 1st Monday of each month. The quiz begins at 8PM and is £2 per head with up to 8 in a team.
These quiz nights are run to raise funds for the Harwich Society and are open to anyone. We are always delighted to see new teams or familiar faces who haven’t been able to be with us for a while.
The quizzes take place in the Acorn Suite at the rear of the Royal Oak public house.

Harwich Town Secret Gardens is in its 12th year and will have a very large number of hidden gardens and courtyards open, with some new to the scheme and some old ones resting. All the gardens are easily reachable on foot. We are also winners of Pride of Tendring 2018.
Approximately 27 gardens will be open, but the total may vary from day to day – please contact the organisers if you need exact numbers.
£5.00 adults, accompanied children free. Brochures have full garden details and a map showing places to eat.
Teas and coffee will be provided at St Nicholas church, and there are plenty of coffee shops, pubs and restaurants for refreshment.
Profits shared between local good causes.

Harwich Town Secret Gardens is in its 12th year and will have a very large number of hidden gardens and courtyards open, with some new to the scheme and some old ones resting. All the gardens are easily reachable on foot. We are also winners of Pride of Tendring 2018.
Approximately 27 gardens will be open, but the total may vary from day to day – please contact the organisers if you need exact numbers.
£5.00 adults, accompanied children free. Brochures have full garden details and a map showing places to eat.
Teas and coffee will be provided at St Nicholas church, and there are plenty of coffee shops, pubs and restaurants for refreshment.
Profits shared between local good causes.

Featuring 0+ Beers and ciders, fruit beer, craft keg.
Opening times:
1100_2300 Thursday 27th July
1100-2300 Friday 28th July
1100-2300 Saturday 29th July
1200:1900 Sunday 30th July
Food all sessions.
Cocktail, prosecco, and gin from Tipple Time Events. https://www.facebook.com/tippletimeevents
Friday and Saturday welcomes CraftBEErings with their range of handcrafted, up-cycled jewellery embracing the wonderfully different designs of craft beer cans. https://www.facebook.com/craftBEERings
Live music Friday evening.
Child-friendly, dog-friendly event set in the amazing Napoleonic-era fort.
Admission £4 until 9pm, free on Sunday.

Come and stroll around Bobbit’s Hole!
Bobbit’s Hole is an oasis of peace and tranquillity in the very heart of Dovercourt and is open free of charge to the public each Sunday morning throughout the year. On one designated Sunday the ‘Bobbit’s Stroll’ takes place and visitors are asked to donate to a designated charity for the pleasure of strolling around the lake.
This year’s chosen charity, to be announced.
Cakes, light refreshments, teas, and coffees will be on sale and there will be other attractions such as face painting and the children’s quiz trail.

The Harwich Society runs a monthly quiz night on the 1st Monday of each month. The quiz begins at 8PM and is £2 per head with up to 8 in a team.
These quiz nights are run to raise funds for the Harwich Society and are open to anyone. We are always delighted to see new teams or familiar faces who haven’t been able to be with us for a while.
The quizzes take place in the Acorn Suite at the rear of the Royal Oak public house.

The Family Fun Day will be a day of unbeatable entertainment beside the seaside! If you’re not on the Run, come and cheer on the bikers as they cross the finish line, and enjoy everything from live music, to a kid’s zone, and trade stands on Harwich Green.
For Further information see official website Motorcycle Run 2023 – Essex & Herts Air Ambulance – EHAAT

Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture, bringing together over 2,000 local people and organisations, and thousands of volunteers. Every year in September, places across the country throw open their doors to celebrate their heritage, community and history. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all FREE.
For more information search Harwich on
‘Harwich’ on the Heritage Open Days website.
These are not Harwich Haven Authority events. Please contact the event organiser directly with any queries.